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dance to the Bible



If you've been to past SHEMA concerts, you know how important movement is to the experience of bringing the Scriptures to life in our bodies. However, this year I want to include as many singers of as many ages as possible. The purpose of SHEMA 2022 is to unite Visalia believers around the word of God and the superiority of Jesus Christ. We don't want the added work and time of learning choreography to hinder anyone from singing with us.


BUT...we still want to see the word embodied in dance!


For this concert, we will have a special dance component led and choreographed by Kassi Hampill. Kassi is Children's Ministry Director at Radiant Church in Visalia, and has lots of heart for how movement and dance can be used to portray the beauty and power of the gospel. 


WE WANT MEN (as well as women)! The words of Revelation demand both elegant beauty and militant power, and we want boys and men of all ages who are willing to present the gospel visually alongside the women! You don't even have to be a dancer! Please just come ready to move and "glorify God in your body" (1 Cor 6:20).


If you are interested in being part of Kassi's team, please contact her directly at

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